Why You need to have a Secure Server
How to Add a YouTube video to your blog post in WordPress
Posting a YouTube video on your post or page is easy. All you need to do is paste the YouTube video’s url on a line by itself in WordPress and the magic happens. You can preview the video on your page just as it will look like.
Where do you find the YouTube video url you ask? Just click …
Explaining Google metadata and SEO techniques
SEO means Search Engine Optimization. Here we want to explain about meta tags and their importance in filling out these fields when you make a new post or page. Metadata is extra information for your page or post that google search engines look for when indexing your site. The input fields are found scrolling down on the Add New Post …
How to give your blog post a featured image
You will notice on the right side of the Add Post or Pages screen, near the bottom, is the featured image section. Simply click on the set Featured Image link to assign an image to your post. You will be taken to the media library screen, where you can choose an image, or upload a new one. This will show …
How to Add Pictures to your Page or Post
From the WordPress admin, click on Posts/Add New. You will be given a screen like this:
Click on the Add Media button (on the upper left of your screen). You will be taken to the Media Library Screen, which looks …
How to Create and Edit pages and posts in WordPress
This is a short 10 minute video showing how to create and edit pages and posts in WordPress.
Customizing the Jetpack Sharing Buttons
Just add the following CSS code to your Custom CSS file in Jetpack and make the changes to colors and such that you like.
Jetpack Sharing
—————————————————- */
.content div.sharedaddy div.sd-block {
border: none;
padding: 0;
.content div.sharedaddy .sd-content {
float: left;
margin-bottom: 32px;
.content div.sharedaddy a.sd-button …
Using Custom Cursors with Word Press
Just add the following css to your page or theme css page:
cursor: url(https://mredsanders.net/cursors/shoeshine.cur), default;
a:hover {
cursor: url(https://mredsanders.net/cursors/polly.cur), default;
input, textarea, select {
cursor: url(https://mredsanders.net/cursors/simon.cur), default;
Substitute your cursor’s url for above and it will work in IE and Firefox and Google Chrome…Don’t have any cursors? Download Mine Here .
You …